Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Justin Bieber is not Clear,Justin Bieber's Baby Drama Yet to Be Ove | Celebrity Gossip

Leving added that he fears for Yeater's safety. "I just spoke to Mariah today, someone was recently stalking her," he said. "She is happy that she changed her number so she's not getting death threats by phone. She's a young 20-year-old mother who now has to worry about her safety and her child's. It's a lot for any woman that age to handle."

As for the recent removal of Yeater's lawsuit, Leving told The Associated Press it was dismissed "without prejudice" but could be refiled at a later date. "This case was never dismissed. It can be refilled today or tomorrow," he said. "We are trying to settle this matter out of court with Bieber's camp." Nonetheless, a hearing set for December 15 has been canceled.

When asked to respond to the removal of the suit, Bieber's spokesman Matthew Hiltzik simply stated, "As we've said from the beginning, it's sad that someone would fabricate such a malicious, defamatory, and demonstrably false claim. We'll continue to consider all of our options to protect Justin."

Bieber is not totally in the clear from his baby drama just yet. While Mariah Yeater's paternity lawsuit against the Canadian pop sensation has indeed been withdrawn, one of her new lawyers, Jeffrey M. Leving, claimed they are still pursuing to get him to take a DNA test in private.
Justin Bieber New Hottest Picture

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