Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Learning Life Skills And Girl Scout Cookies Program 2012

Girl Scout Cookies helps local councils:

  •  Improve and maintain camp and other activity sites.
  • Recruit and train volunteer adults to work with girls.
  • Provide the financial assistance needed to make Girl Scouting available for all girls.
  • Sponsor special events and projects.
  • Keep event/camp fees for all members to a minimum.

Girl Scout Cookies FAQs

Buying Girl Scout Cookies

    When do Girl Scout Cookies go on sale and how do I find them?
    Can I buy Girl Scout Cookies online?

Selling Girl Scout Cookies

    Who can sell Girl Scout Cookies?
    I moved and now have to pre-order my cookies.  Why is selling and buying cookies so different from one community to the next?
    Can girls earn any awards from participating in cookie activities?
    Why didn't my Girl Scout receive a cookie patch for selling cookies this year?
    How do you ensure the safety of Girl Scouts who sell cookies?
    Does a Girl Scout group have to sell cookies if it doesn't want to?
    Can Girl Scouts who are not in troops participate in the Girl Scout Cookie Program?
    Can Girl Scouts donate cookies to military personnel serving overseas?

Cookie Revenue

    When I buy Girl Scout Cookies, where does my money go?
    How does the cookie revenue benefit girls?
    What portion of the cookie revenue is shared with the troop/group selling cookies?
    Is the purchase of Girl Scout Cookies tax-deductible?
    Does any part of the cookie revenue go to support organizations other than Girl Scouts?
    Girl Scout Cookies can be found in some popular ice cream treats. Can any business use Girl Scout cookies in their product?
    Does any of the money from cookie sales go to Girl Scouts of the USA (the national Girl Scouts organization)?

Product Information

    Who bakes Girl Scout Cookies?
    Why is my Caramel DeLight now called a Samoa? (or) Why is my Trefoil now called a Shortbread?
    Who selects the cookie varieties?
    What are the sizes, quantities and prices of Girl Scout Cookies?
    Are all Girl Scout Cookies kosher?
    What are the best-selling Girl Scout Cookies?
    Where can I find recipes using Girl Scout Cookies?
    What if I'm not satisfied with my cookies?
    Who are the girls on the Girl Scout Cookie boxes?
    How do I find out the ingredients, nutritional value and allergen information for one or more of the Girl Scout Cookie varieties?
    Are any preservatives used in Girl Scout Cookies?
    What about partially hydrogenated oils (trans fats)?
    What about High Fructose Corn Syrup?
    Do you use tropical oils such as palm oil?
    Does the chocolate used in Girl Scout Cookies come from a free trade zone or is it from cacao beans picked by children?
    Should people with diabetes buy or consume Girl Scout Cookies?
    What about the concerns of those on low-carb diets?
    Don't Girl Scout Cookies contribute to the childhood obesity problem?
    Why don't you offer cookies that are whole-wheat, non-dairy, or vegan...?
    Is my cookie package recyclable?

Girl Scouts of the USA is the premier organization for girls. The $700 million Girl Scout Cookie Program is the largest girl-led business in the country and generates immeasurable benefits for girls, their councils and communities nationwide. Girls set cookie goals to support their chosen activities for the year, to fund community service and leadership projects, to attend summer camp, to travel to destinations near and far and to provide events for girls in their community.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Life skills are an important aspect of personal development. They are the vital tools that enable any person to reach their maximum potential and achieve satisfaction in all areas of life. Thank you.

    Parent Helpline
